While on the hunt for a local coffee shop in Baytown, Texas we ran across a place called, “Payton’s Blend.” Once we arrived at the location, though, we found backhoes, concrete and a muddy mess in a full-blown construction zone. As we rolled up we thought maybe with all the construction the coffee shop wasn’t open. At a glance the door looked dark like the shop may be closed. We sat in the car for a few minutes thinking of where we could try next when we noticed another door; the main door. We decided to give door number two a try and we’re so glad we did!
We were greeted by a soft spoken and pleasant young lady who patiently waited as we labored over what to order. As she was working on our order we took a seat at one of the cozy tables in the shop. Out of nowhere a vibrant young man appeared and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Oscar and I’m the CEO of this company,” he proudly exclaimed.

Though his announcement caught us by surprise it was a pleasant surprise that made us smile big! We felt honored to meet the CEO of this fine coffee shop and, in turn, we introduced ourselves to Oscar. His older sister, who had just taken our order, smiled gently in the background as we chatted it up with her little brother who just happens to be her boss! (What a sweet and caring big sister she is!)
We visited a bit and learned a little more about Oscar the CEO. Oscar and Drew instantly hit it off and had many things in common.

In the meantime, Drew received his milk and we received our coffee. We enjoyed our drinks and the delicious treats we selected from the dessert case. When we walked in we briefly noticed a box in the corner that said, “Oscar’s Heart.” Upon closer inspection we found that Oscar had posted a note (pictured) that read, “My name is Oscar. I am 6 years old. I want to help homeless people because they don’t have a home 😊 Help us help others. Thank You.”
Oscar went on to tell us why the box was there by showing us the typed sign (pictured) hanging beside his hand-written note. It read, “Oscar Payton, Jr is giving back and helping others. He lost his Dad in February (2017) and wanted to do this in honor of his Dad. This box is for

anyone and everyone that has a need. You are welcome to drop something in or take something that you may be in need of. Thank you so much to those who have supported us and his vision to give back. {signed} Paytons”
We are honored to introduce Oscar Payton, Jr,
the CEO of Payton’s Blend and recipient of the
Courage to Be Kind Medallion
by Mimosa Handcrafted!
“My name is Oscar and this all started in March 2017 after I tragically lost my dad in February 2017. I was riding in the back seat of the car when I asked my mom this, "I want to help the homeless people so I can make my Dad proud. My mom said, "OK." After a month went by I asked her again and she asked how are you going to do that? When we arrived back to where we were going I brought out my money jug. So, then I asked my mom, " I want to use this money for the homeless." She said, "How about we grab some canned goods from the room?" I said, "OK," and we got some canned foods from our pantry and started filling up some boxes for those in need. After a few minutes she told me, "Write a note and we will put it on a box and people that come in the store can help you to help others. I did that, and everyone was coming in and bringing toiletries and canned goods. We made over a hundred care boxes. Little did we know that the hurricane would come and we would be able to help over a hundred families with those care boxes. This inspired me to help even more families in need. My goal is to help as many homeless and people that are in need.”
Oscar is one incredible kiddo! While at the shop we also got to meet, Samantha, Oscar’s mom. She went on to tell us more detail about how all of this came about and how Oscar told her he wanted to make his Dad proud. This came as absolutely no surprise when we found that
Oscar’s father, Oscar Payton, Sr. had a vision for their little family owned coffee shop that was far beyond that of just serving delicious desserts and perfectly brewed coffee. Payton’s Blend also serves others by donating a portion of their proceeds to help women and children in abusive situations. Samantha told us numerous stories that touched our hearts. The common theme being, these were simply stories about folks who walked through the doors of Payton’s Blend. Folks who were clearly brought there for more than just a cup of coffee. Samantha told us how a little girl came in with her mother one day. After offering the little one a treat, Samantha could see the little girl was clearly very hungry. Wasting no time, Samantha rushed to her office, called her friends and rallied donations to give to the mother and her little girl before the mother could leave the shop. A random act of kindness from the heart that, no doubt, will never be forgotten by that mother or her daughter.
The coffee shop is located near the court house, so we learned that local judges, attorneys and police officers have joined in Oscar’s efforts. Always thinking of others, the family organized a Coffee with a Cop event to bring the community together, offering an awesome opportunity to get to know local law enforcement officers. Oscar’s efforts, with the support of family and community, have made a huge impact to so many. We’re thinking that Oscar isn’t just the CEO of Payton’s Blend, he is pretty much the CEO of Kindness!! “I have had many opportunities to help others. I take every chance I have to make a difference in life. I was asked to be a motivational speaker for a law enforcement class at Sterling High School. Thanks to Detective Watkins for giving me the opportunity to do that.” CEO and motivational speaker are just a few hats this one-of-kind kiddo wears! Oscar has also been featured in the Baytown Sun newspaper and was featured on the KHOU-11 news, Stands for Houston. Oscar was also featured in the Baytown Project. “You are never too young to have a helping heart.” We couldn’t agree more, Oscar!
It’s clear to see that Oscar Jr. is a chip off the ole block. With a smile that will knock your socks off and heart more precious than gold, there is no way you won’t smile big when you meet Oscar. Oscar was gifted a laptop and even has his own website. https://drivenwithapurpose.wixsite.com/opjr
Oscar has helped hundreds of people thus far and he has some very definitive and big goals. Oscar currently has four projects underway. Project 1 is making Care Boxes. Project 2 is Feeding the Hungry. Project 3 is Helping Kids During Special Days, like birthdays and holidays. Project 4 is Building Shelters for the Homeless. Wow!
“I am only 7 years old so I want to do as much as I can and help others. With your help I want to reach my goal and touch lots of lives and help as much children and families in need. There are so many children that do not have parents or loss their parents and do not have anywhere to go so I want to help those in need and build a shelter to help those in need. With your help I can do it. Please help me reach my goal.”
All we can say (again) is, “Wow!” Almost a year later, a large, simple box and the original signs still sit in the coffee shop, the first thing you see when you walk in. The box is filled with a variety of items waiting to be needed or loved. And like most folks who find their way to Payton’s Blend, anyone who enters is in for a treat far beyond a warm, smooth cup of Joe or a slice of Heavenly Pie. They will be greeted by a world changer, a kindness kid, a one-of-kind little boy who, when faced with the loss of a lifetime, gave. He gave from his heart…Oscar’s Heart.
Oscar, you are a shining example of what we can do when we Come Together with Kindness. You are proof that no matter what you have been through and no matter your age, you can make a positive difference. It only takes one small act of kindness to make a positive impact in someone’s life. From the first can of food you pulled from your own pantry, to the money in your jug that you saved for months and used to buy food and toiletries for those less fortunate, those acts have inspired others, both children and adults alike, to be better and do more. We were meant to walk through the doors of Payton’s Blend that day and we cannot wait to come visit again. We are better because we met you, as is anyone else that has the pleasure to meet you and your family. We do hereby declare you, Oscar Payton, Jr, the CEO of Kindness! 😊
Stop in and chat with our favorite CEO next time you’re in Baytown. In the meantime, check out his latest projects and see how you can help at https://drivenwithapurpose.wixsite.com/opjr
If you’re a Facebooker you can find Payton’s Blend here: https://www.facebook.com/PaytonsBlend/
Calling all Instagram friends! Find the Payton’s @paytonsblend
Together we can do more...and we can dab!

We always have to dab! Haaaa!